May 26, 2009
My summer job at the café is screwed up, I HATE HATE HATE when the employer just cannot say directly that we don't really need you working here right now, I could even handle "no summer job for you btw I changed my mind so fuck off" or something (?! :D) instead they're like "well... I'll call you in two weeks, I'm off for vacation again so... and my brother isn't too happy having you alone here.." Well guess what fucker? I have another summer job ha ha-ha! If that bastard calls me after two weeks (which he won't) I'm gonna say that yeah sure of course I'll be there tomorrow and then never ever show up... Or then SHOW up and spill coffee all over the place and shit and stuff. Okey a bit overboard. I'll just take my medication and start meditating.
May 25, 2009
Born again runner
I met Annmarie in town for lunch and some minor shopping, tomorrow lunch with daddy cool. :)
May 24, 2009
I've been watching America's best dance crew, soon walking with V. I had a slight panic attack a moment ago when I actually believed it's school tomorrow. But it's not thank god! Mostly thankful because I don't have to see people I really don't bother seeing AT ALL, ever. Tsihihhh muhahah.
Tomorrow to town for some minor shopping and then planning saturday with AM.
one of my favourite blogs

PMA is one of my favourite blogs and is only music music music, just the way I want it; not only do the writers have amazing taste of music but they also understand the importance of great design!
May 23, 2009

How am I gonna be able to fall asleep? I had a powernap from 17 - 20. Very powerful indeed!
Two days with the girls

And this morning I kicked my ass by punching myself in the lip by mistake. Oolraighty then! I must say I skipped two parties I should've gone to but meating lots of familiar people in the same place is for the moment something I avoid. Simply for the reason of having to explain how I've been etc (never been better and that fact is quite horrible actually) So I'm sorry for not showing up:(
May 21, 2009
hardest button to button

May 20, 2009
Girls girls girls

This is how I wanna look!
I'm stunned, that hoodie is so gorgeous that I have to go for a real look-a-like hunt in town with a weapon if necessary. Grrr...
I don't know if I appreciate my life at the moment as much as I should considering that everybody else are reading for entrance exams etc. I wake up and take a walk in the nature (cliché :D but I'm serious it's refreshing), boil some eggs, drink coffee and read fashion magazines for one hour or so, then I look at some blogs and stuff until I meet a friend for shopping or sunbathing =) Hahahahhaha it sounds ridiculous... I need to do some more serious things.
May 19, 2009
This is gonna be a great week



May 10, 2009
happy ending
On tuesday the party princess returns as her life returns to normal. Or not normal, nothing is compulsory anymore. She can do anything she wants to for the rest of her life. The happy end.
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