Jan 1, 2009


Yes it was a fun new years eve, I got a horrible headache later so unfortunately I fell asleep without my long waited food which I so badly craved for at Deans house. The funniest person was Emma who grabbed lasagne with her fist from Deans fridge. And it was fun to just celebrate with 30 people and not 150 drunk half strangers who love you when the clock turns 12.

I'm starting 01.01.09 by going to the movies, watching Martyrs.


Anonymous said...

Fast ja måst nog säga att ja har lite morkkis över dendä makaroni-episoden, höhhhöö

Anonymous said...

haha, emma kom ute stolt och berätta ti mej hu hon hade käkat makaronilådan och fösökte uppmuntra mej att gö desamma, ahhah söt. Va du sen å se faktiskt på marttyyri, crazy shit i told you?