Sep 12, 2008

I'm a loser

I'm at the bottom of the ocean, I totally sucked at the finnish listening comprehension and it's my fucking second language. My friends who don't really speak it that well got better than me (congratulations to you) but I'm fucking pissed off!! I guess it's because I haven't had any finnish in school for 1.5 years and didn't practise for it at all. But still! I'm much better. Listening comprehensions suck ass! They don't prove anything! Where are the orals? The person who invented listening comprehension is a fucking airhead - what if I was nearly deaf? I could get full points in German possibly and I don't speak it at all! Even Chinese!!! Hello!!!! What's the point????????

I'm gonna get full marks in my IB tests and then the finnish listening comprehension can kiss my ass and I'm leaving the finnish language - (and Finland) for good and I'LL NEVER RETURN!!! FUCK YOU FINNISH LISTENING COMPREHENSION!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you babe, it really did suck, and I don't either think that the points you get shows how good you're actually on the language. Screw the universe (dude, where's my car) ;)) lööv you, though you suck ;)<3