Oct 7, 2008

Horrible people

Okey first I have to announce that I'm fricking smart! I've succeeded in making myself a header! God bless me.

Then to some more horrible things; I was on my way to my driving lesson, (NB: I'm ill) and went to the store to buy a moisturizer for my face and gave my credit card to the young lady at the cash desk and she said that the card doesn't function, I asked "Are you sure?" and she starts laughing and looks at me, "If the machine is sure, then I'm sure" and then I gave her cash and took the pen by mistake up again in order to write my signature which obviously wasn't needed. She had this fucking grin on her face as I would be the biggest looser on earth.

Then my driving teacher looks at me as if I would've arrived from Mars (I wish) and asks me what the hell I'm doing there. I'm like what? And he says I have a driving lesson tomorrow and not today. He made the mistake of writing tuesday the 8th of october as my driving day when it should've said wednesday the 8th, and he blamed me! I was crying on my way to the bus stop. I could've been sleeping in my bed the whole time.

1 comment:

The Good Witch said...

Take it easy girl!
you'll be fine.