Oct 10, 2008

Little girly in the city

Soon this little girly will be going to Helsinki in her new dress. Before that I will amuse you with the most embarrasing story of my life, which happened today.

Fille wanted me to come and help him to drive their boat to this place so it would be safe for winter, but I had this greater idea - what if Fille would drive the boat there and I would drive the car and we would meet at the place! It was about 600m to the place, and I've driven 4 times i.e. 4 hours in my whole life. And I literally suck at it.

So then I went in this very slow speed, driving to this harbour place and I didn't expect so much public, I knew I had to park the car somewhere, but I was getting nervous so I just stopped the car in the middle of everyhting thinking Fille will be here anytime soon anyway. Then Fille calls, the boat keyes are in the car, oh crap I have to go back. Then I noticed the backglass cleaner was on and it was the sunniest day ever, so I try to put it off and then I have every fucking windowcleaner on in the fucking car and now I have a group of people watching this scene. Then a Porsche, an Audi and some other car wanted to drive past me but couldn't as I was blocking the whole fucking area! So I start to back out and are literally shaking and all those cars just bypass me and I'm laughing the whole way driving back to where Fille was. I think I learned more today than from those 4 driving lessons.

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