Nov 27, 2008


I found this picture on Elin Kling's blog, she has the same jacket as me? I'm not the only person who shops in H&M Kids evidently...

I think I need to buy a pink woolsweater and a cap. We'll be a perfect match.

Tomorrow I have my final driving test, pray to God that I get through.

Nov 25, 2008


This was the song the random dudes we met on Roba on saturday went crazy on, they started dancing like strippers in the middle of the bar.

Mathematics and horrible (lovely) friends

I ended school at 1 and went immediately after that to Verkku's place to study maths with our usual group, Annmarie,Dansku,Verkku&Me. We drank Glögiä and ate everything you can think of, if we 4 would live together the place would smell like shit (yes literally), and be a complete mess but very fun though, just keep on farting and burping guys. ;) I have studied maths from 1 til' now. And I'm gonna fail the test tomorrow. 1 year wouldn't be enough...

Nov 24, 2008


I'm obsessed looking at peoples hair as I'm kind of freaking out cutting my hair but it has to be done. Looking at her makes this situation kind of easier.


I don't get that girl, I love her hair and can't understand how she looks that cool. From garancedore streetstyle.

I had a driving lesson today 7 in the morning! And I was near vomiting the whole day in school I'm guessing 2 day hangover (yes I'm serious) so I left, what 1 or something?
Friday I was at Cecci's drinking a bit too much and vomiting in Kamppi ostoskeskus which was really embarrasing as I couldn't hold it back and Saturday we spent in Roba with some random dudes, one of them had the funniest laugh ever. Also danced on the table and I fell in love with a Gay Man who rides horses. (He was better looking than George Clooney but yeah, gay and probably 45) YEAAAAH BABYYYY

Nov 22, 2008


I'm completely empty in my head, I have million things to do (homework) but I can't, not now. I have to go and eat with my friends soon, wouldn't really want to do that either. I don't know, so damn tired.

Nov 21, 2008

Friday Evening

I'm at Cecci's place listening to Lady Gaga - Poker Face, the best party song! Cecci is danbcing very crazily and I can't write I am very sory, I have corrected this many times and all I can say is very nice, party party! :D

Ama 18 years old and Hannah in Finland, unbeliavebla.


I actually went to sleep 20.30, I woke up just as tired 7.00 today so I guess I'll need a 24 h sleep to feel 'not tired'. My brother once slept for 24 hours, but he's so weird it doesn't surpise me at all. Just kidding, he was 2 years old.

I'm not in a party mood right now but I really crave alcohol, the week has been really hard (not really) with 2 tests and a lot of essays and driving lessons. Blablabla

DTM (a gay bar and no, I'm not gay) today (God bless me, I gotta be wasted), c u folks there! ;)

Nov 20, 2008

Would it be normal?

I'm thinking of going to sleep now!

I wonder what time I would wake up? 3 in the morning I can start blogging again :D

Friday plans

Tomorrow Hannah is coming to Finland, we're also gonna celebrate Ama who's turning 18, me and Cecci will start the evening at her place drinking a bit of wine etc.

I just got a phone call from Ama who asked me to go to Gloria Gaynor's concert but I have a fucking economics test tomorrow. Buääää


I'm gonna cut my hair Gwyneth Paltrow style. A bit shorter in the back and then longer to the front. Next week maybe?

Why doesn't shoes that I really like fit me? I tried those shoes showed in the previous post and they looked weird on me. I'm thinking of going back tomorrow and see whether they'll fit me then!

But I bought another pair of black highheels but they hurt my feet, I'll never find the perfect pair.

I've been so tired lately that I get a terrible headache in the afternoon, I'm currently suffering so my economics reading isn't magnificent.

Nov 19, 2008


Oh no... Now I have to go shopping again... I hate blogs that show me pretty things. The heel is 10.5cm so I would be 183 cm high in those.


Diidappaduudappadai, I should be doing homework...

Today I'm wearing...

Mia thought I was wearing Missy Elliot pants but no... H&M Kids. It was kind of funny though... My black fur jacket is way too hot for inside and not so warm outside. What the hell?

How can I already be bored at my new banner?

I'm extremely bored at it, it's ugly. I want something gold(ish) but haven't got any, I think I'll steal a picture from someone else.

My photographies are hanging on the school wall now, go check them out (those who can) ;)

Nov 18, 2008

... without the scarf though. But I understand that she has to hide ;)

New Banner

Oh yeah I have a new banner, I made it in 1 minute - gorgeous huh? It's kind of summery and today it's going to snow so I might change it tomorrow.

I noticed that I write like a 4 year old. And if you read my old swedish blog = catastrophe. I speak better swedish than english but I write better english.

Smelly Stones

My room smells really good, the only problem is that I can't be in there because of the smell. I get a terrible headache from the smell - it's these scented stones that smell.

How would I analyse myself?

On the basis of reading this blog I would think I'm this blonde shallow thing.


I'm everything but that when you know me, my hair is actually kind of grey right now. (I went to Prisma today to buy blonde haircolour but then I saw myself in the mirror and thought what the hell, grey is fucking fantastic)

I skip school to go shopping

Yes that I did today and it wasn't supposed to happen. But it was only ToK so no problemo. I feel kind of bad though as I haven't been on those lessons for 1 week now, let's hope he has forgotten me.
Fille bought something too ! (Huge development in our relationship - he understanding me) ;)

I finally found a nice fur jacket that doesn't look Russian. (or HOish) if you know what I mean? AND IT IS FROM HM KIDS (because kids can't look like ho's aight?) I think I'll start shopping childrens clothes again as those purple comfy pants are also from HM Kids. Yippeee, it's also much cheaper. I also went outside my box and returned to the 90's with those lightwashed jeans that aren't skinny! My butt actually manages to look kind of small in those jeans.
I could probably write a novel about those shoppings, that's why I try to not write and show a lot of pictures because it only results in crap when I write. Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing in IB as it's only about 875427 word essays and tests etc...

Nov 17, 2008

In the inspiration folder

I only have this picture wtf. I guess it's because of the ring.
Now I really really really want to end high school, start university and go for 2 years to NY.
Please Lord let me be smart enough to get into Hanken

I have a pile of homework but I ain't doin non

I'm currently not doing anything smart, I'm leaving all my homework for tomorrow. I have to rest after 2 tests today. My socks smell so bad my dog would die if I came downstairs

Daniela's birthday

I love my new peach coloured dress, I can use it as a skirt too and in many different shapes as it is a bit too big :) Now I want an oversized sweater...

I smile weird

Nov 16, 2008


Yesterday was fun until that certain point. I cried like a little baby and didn't go to the club, back at our place with fille a funny incident occured:

I had been talking nonsense to Fille for 3 minutes and then suddenly I said "How many should I take" a "hrrraaahghg" sound (snoring sound) and pum breathing very heavily in Filles ear (i.e. sleeping) I mean, what?

Nov 14, 2008

Google Translator

The funniest thing ever is translating english blogs to finnish with google translator

Fabolous state of mind

I'm getting drunk and I'm still home alone, I laugh at myself and listen to this elektro song. I love my company :D

Maths homework on friday evening

I've been practising for my drivers license theory, sleeping, reading economics, doing maths homework and on my ToK essay AND IT'S FRIDAY EVENING AND I'M HOME ALONE (that's what IB is). Now I'm (thank God) drinking wine (yes, those who know me I'm an alcoholic) <- sarcasm.

Soon Fille&Cecci are coming to watch a movie and I'll continue drinking because I don't know when to stop... muahhahaha

Tomorrow I'm going to Dansku's 18th birthday and have nothing to wear.

Nov 8, 2008


I met the "Blond Stella" in the city today, haven't been with her for one year or so... She's always fun company :)

I bought 2 black dresses, one more casual and other with golden studs.

Soon I'm going to Cecci's place and drink a bit of wine (or more...) (I'm an alcoholic) and then probably head towards Dini nightclub.

First time out with my ID! Exciting! ;) And also going out with new clothes, even more exciting. (I'm also very shallow)

Nov 7, 2008

I saw that you saw me seeing?

Today we're going to watch Saw V and have a few (yeah right) drinks before. I'm thinking about being drunk on this horror movie but I guess it would be quite embarrassing if I would laugh when people die?

Nov 6, 2008

Purple bag

I bought a purple bag today, the most fantastic one and also a pair of black high-heels for 10€ yippee. (Plus Instyle and People style magazine)

I should turn 18 more often...

Something smart

My friend wrote in her blog about why people here in Finland can't walk around in any clothes they like without being asked "What the fuck are you wearing?"

I now want to take my share of thought about this, because I got pissed;
I've never had a Henry Loyd (don't even know how to spell it) jacket, I personally would never wear it because 3/4 of the swedish speaking finns have it and secondly it's not my style at all. Other typical things to wear if you are a swedish speaking finn; Ralph Lauren, Longchamp, Guess and blablabla. Okey the material is great and the clothes last longer.

But if someone is a bit unique questions arise immediately. I don't wear Ralph Lauren or similar designers because I think the clothes are boring. But I don't go around asking "Why the fuck are you wearing Ralph Lauren?"

NB: I'm not being angry towards anyone specific, just hate the whole system with personal style in the swedish speaking minority in Finland.

Nov 5, 2008


I'm really happy I got a vest from my dear friends for my birthday.

Grey's Anatomy


My favourite tv-series starts today with season 3 - Grey's anatomy.

Shopping and other fancy stuff

Today I went shopping with my friend Siitari, I bought latex leggings and 2 dvd's that I can watch in the weekend as my mom won't let me go out as I've been ill for 1 month now.

I really have to start taking pictures and add all my birthday presents here, my blog is so boring, me don't likey :( And writing is something I enjoy SOMETIMES. (When I have a funny story to tell or when I'm pissed)

Otherwise I like posting nice fashion pictures for inspiration or just party pictures or pictures of myself or my photographies. That's about it, my life. HAHAHHAHA

Oh yes and I hate my banner and layout, I'm bored. Needs change! Soon you'll see the most amazing looking blog ever!

akjfhsjhfjsh is what I'm really saying. I'm never gonna write anything again, just gonna post random pictures and you'll never guess what goes on in my head.

Thank God for Obama

Picture from

My Mom went to work with the US colours on her clothes.

Nov 4, 2008

Last minute blogging

I have a wonderful new place to blog on thanks to my new laptop, my bed! I can do school essays lying and listening to music. Love my life!

I'm gonna change the layout of my blog tonight, can't upload pictures yet because I don't have a program on my computer yet.

Now going to photograph a play - Oliver Twist.

Nov 2, 2008

New month = new start

I've been the poorest updater i'm really sorry. I've been celebrating my 18th birthday the whole weekend. I've received the most wonderful presents and I will take pictures of them and show them here. (Because I always forget what I've got in present about 2 months later) :D

I've also been very busy doing homework, hopefully I'll get everything fixed by wednesday and then starts true updating. :)