Feb 21, 2009


cobra and knighttcat
I don't feel good at all, I've read something about Stalin and I'm proud over my achievements but it's not enough. Grrrr not going out anymore. I apologized to P for throwing blu tack in his car (not blue sticker which I call it)


deluded said...

aah, I stumbled upon such a beautiful blog...maybe lady luck's sitting on my shoulder again :)

lovely random blog.

keep blogging.

Sofia said...

:) thank you I know it's really random my blog.

Anonymous said...

So what's Mischa up to nowadays? Haven't really seen her since the O.C.
Great blogg btw

Sofia said...

I have actually only seen one O.C episode so I don't know much about her, only that she has a unique and amazing style :D Thx Sebastian!